We transform
organic waste into resources
for agriculture and soils

Who we are

Based in Italy

The Italian Composting and Biogas Association


is a Non for profit organisation established in 1992.


Currently CIC is the unique association in Italy

for the recovery and recycling of organic waste.


Since 30 years CIC’s mission is to

promote biowaste recycling and prevention,

enhance compost quality and market,

organise technical training for the composting sector

and assist government bodies

in improving biowaste recycling.


Among the Members of CIC

there are public and private compost producers,

local authorities and others

involved in compost productions,

such as machinery and equipment constructors,

growing media producers, research institutes.

ordinary members*

*updated april 2023

associeted members*

*updated april 2023

members from trade associations*

*updated april 2023

Engaged in Europe

CCREF – Composting Council Research & Education Foundation

CIC collaborates with the Composting Council Research & Education Foundation, the catalyst for the advancement of composting technologies, useful practices and uses that support the conservation of resources and economic and environmental sustainability.

The CIC is the Italian Consortium of reference for the organization of the annual global compost awareness initiative, the International Compost Awareness Week – ICAW.


CIC has been a member of the European Composting Network (ECN) since its foundation.

ECN is the leading European membership organization promoting sustainable recycling practices in composting, anaerobic digestion and other biological treatment processes of organic resources.

Since 2013, CIC’s Technical Director Mr. Massimo Centemero has been part of ECN’s Board and acts as vice-chair of the European organisation.

ECOMONDO – The Green Technologies Expo

CIC is Ecomondo’s ambassador to the world.

The 2019 road map includes our presence in China, Brazil, Norway and the United States.

ISWA – International Solid Waste Association

ISWA is an independent, non-profit organization that operates globally to promote and encourage professional and sustainable waste management.

With thousands of members in nearly 100 countries, it is the first global organization representing the solid waste management sector.

The CIC supports the activities of International Solid Waste Association (ISWA) and participates, in the person of the coordinator (Dr. Marco Ricci) in Working Groups on the treatment of organic waste.

Mediterranean Compost Network

CIC is a founding member of Mediterranean Compost Network.

This Association brings together companies, experts and local authorities and promotes, within the countries bordering the Mediterranean, recycling initiatives for organic waste through separate collection, the production of quality compost and its various uses.


CIC is a founding member of the Word Biogas Association.

The Association is dedicated to facilitating the adoption of biogas globally as an essential step to meet the sustainable development goals of the Paris Agreement.